Final Judge Announced
Our sixth and final Judge has been found by our tireless Chief Judge, David Morris. And he is Lindsay Brown from Fowles Wine. Great news and welcome to the team Lindsay.
Fifth Judge Announced
The long journey to find excellent Judges has been slow to say the least, however Chief Judge David Morris has found our fifth Judge Brett Smith from Peter Lehmann Wines, one to go.
Entries close on September 8th
The Australian Inland Wine Show Committee have, after due consideration (and also due in part to some initial problems with online entries), to extending the closure of entries by one week to September 8th and the with entries to have arrived by September 25th....
Entries are open…
Entries are now open in the 2017 Australian Inland Wine Show and National Moscato Challenge. Head over to the entrants page to see relevant dates. Or if you are ready to enter then go straight to our online entry page.
New office bearers…
The Australian Inland Wine Show held its AGM last night with a change to office bearer positions. Long time President Peter Holt decline to take on another year as he and Kath were moving on. We would like to thank Peter for the tireless effort he has put in to the...
Results are in…
And the winners are? No more guessing as the results are in. Please go to the results page here if you are interested in finding out. If you are an entrant and would like to see what the Judges have to say about your entry, please login. For those interested in the...
Judging is all done and dusted
Well after an arduous 3 days, all the judging is done. We would like to thank the great team of judges we have for their professionalism and commitment to the industry. They willing give up their time to assess wines from a large variety of wineries. We would also...
Entries for the 2016 are now open
2016 Wine Show Entries are now open. Entries are now open and in keeping with modern trends we would encourage entrants to enter online. To do so please go to our registration page found here and register (if you haven't already done so). However if you prefer to...
New Trophies
As we get closer to the opening of the Show we have some great news for all National Moscato Challenge entrants. At last nights meeting it was decided to add two new trophies to this increasingly popular challenge. These new trophies will be for "Best Sparkling...
Entrant information has been updated
Information regarding this years wine show has been updated. To find out relevant dates please go to the Entrants Page.